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NOW's Gay Women's Rap Group is an informal rap group meeting the third Sunday of every month at 3:00 p.m. sharp. If you are tired of the bar scene and would like to meet with your sisters in a less destructive manner, contact Joye at 268-4308 or Kay at 761-8971 after 5:00 for more info. Our next meeting will be held April 20 at 3:00 p.m. All women are welcome.

Women USA Hot Line (800-221-4945) is a 24-hour toll-free number one can dial to hear a taped information and action message on such issues as the ERA, inflation, childcare, social security, reproductive freedom, jobs, the US budget and other subjects of importance to women. Founded by Bella Abzug and five other nationally known women leaders to reach out primarily to unorganized women who identify with women's movement goals of equal rights and economic justice for women, Women USA through its hotline will also give the caller a suggested action—a letter or telegram she can send to Washington, a phone call she can make, a rally she can attend. Other projects planned by Women USA include lobbying in Washington on legislation and issues affecting women, publication of fact sheets, and a campaign to "Send Your Bills to Congress''.

The Tenth Muse, Kent's women's coffee house, 202 No. Lincoln (directly behind Hillel House), presents Jan & Judee, April 5th; Jade, April 19th: and on May 3 Becky Lavin, Mary Ann Huckabay and Rita Coriell and the Cleveland Womon's Choir. Doors open at 8:00 and entertainment begins at 9:30. For more information, call Bonnie at 1-678-6665.

Women: Dali's View will be exhibited at the Dali Museum until May 31. 1980. Please call 464-0372 for an appointment. Organized and researched by Robin Houlas and Joan Kropf, Dali's view of women is a creative blend of contemporary and traditional ideas. 32 lithographs and etchings dealing with women have been selected from various suites of the 1960's and 1970's.

Am researching a paper about music and signing and would appreciate any pictures of sign language interpretors at concerts from the Cleveland area or any of the music festivals. Please contact D. Fishman, 932-5713.




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Feminist Forums: Discussions the third Friday of each month of books, issues, ideas and controversies of feminist concern. 8:00-10:00 at The White House, 2420 So. Taylor, Cleveland Heights. Donation $2.00. Friday, April 18: A Weave of Women, by E. M. Broner. "A tale of travelers and settlers, of the modern and the traditional, of sanity and insanity in the house of women...the women create new ceremonies for themselves...of birth, marriage, and death; of exorcism, excommunication and exodus.""

Friday, May 16: Sisters, by Elizabeth Fishel. About the need to belong and the need to separate, the importance of birth order, the love/hate relationship among sisters and fulfillment of the yearning for sisterhood found in the women's movement.

Friday, June 20: The Wanderground, by Sally Gearhart.

High Gear, Ohio's gay journal, is looking for help with advertising, layout and distribution. Also women writers are needed for regular features and/or special interest articles. Feel free to submit your work. Please call the Hotline at 621-3380 (eves) and leave a message for the editor, or write to High Gear, P.O. Box 6177, Cleveland, Ohio 44101.

A National March for a Non-Nuclear World will be held on Saturday, April 26. sponsored by Coalition for a Non-Nuclear World. Local Contact: Mobilization for Survival, 1223 West Sixth Street, Cleveland, Ohio 44113 (216) 861-6243. Bus transportation: $30 round trip leaving Cleveland midnight Friday, April 25, returning to Cleveland after the march on Saturday, April 26.

Also in Washington for those who want to participate, there will be lobbying at Capitol Hill on Friday, April 25, and non-violent civil disobedience at the Department of Energy on April 28.

Education for Freedom of Choice in Ohio (EFCO) can provide professionals from all areas to speak to your group or organization on the subject of abortion. EFCO also provides research assistance to students and profes sionals on reproductive issues. To arrange a speaker, contact EFCO, 439 The Arcade, Cleveland, Ohio 44114, phone (216) 621-8224.




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Page Pat She Wants/April; 1980. «